Youngs Farm was founded in 1893 as a result of a marriage between the Youngs and the Hegemans (the farm is located on Hegeman’s Lane). Currently the 4th and 5th generation of the Youngs Family operate and manage the business.
The Rev. John H. Youngs sails across the Long Island Sound from Connecticut, settles Southhold, and establishes the first English Church in New York State.
Rev. John H. Youngs’ son, Thomas, settles in Oyster Bay and builds the Youngs Homestead at the corner of Cove Road & Cove Neck Road.

Thomas Youngs prospers, giving special attention to the cultivation of fruit and creating one of the first commercial orchards in the nation, with over 27,000 apple trees.

President George Washington stays at the Youngs Homestead on a tour of Long Island.

The Youngs sell Theodore Roosevelt 155 acres (which later becomes Sagamore Hill) after he marries his first wife, Alice Lee.
Approximately 3 generations after Thomas Youngs settles in Oyster Bay, John H. Youngs marries Ida Hegeman and Hegeman’s Farm becomes Youngs Farm. The farm initially operates as a Dairy Farm.
Theodore Roosevelet is buried in the Youngs Memorial Cemetery, directly across from the Youngs Homestead.

Youngs Farm pivots from dairy to cabbage and potatoes under the direction of John’s son, Arthur.

A nematode plague causes nearly all potato production on Long Island to be banned. Arthur’s son, John, reinvents the farm yet again to become a truck farm, providing wholesale produce to grocery stores and markets.
The farm operation finally pivots to retail when John’s daughters, Paula and Jo-Hana, begin selling the excess produce roadside. John takes note of the demand and the first iteration of the farm stand is created. The structure, which is still part of the store today, was a portion of an old barn on the property that was moved and reconstructed.

Paula and Jo-Hana begin working full-time at the farm and begin adding the bakery, kitchen and gift items. A barn originally used for long-term potato storage is, over time, converted into a commercial kitchen, warehouse space and offices.

Jo-Hana unfortunately passes away. Soon after, Paula’s daughters Abby and Remsen, and her son-in-law, Tim, begin helping at the farm, and have helped bring it to its present state.

Youngs Farm produce becomes officially certified organic by NOFA-NY under the leadership of JJ Skaro and Tim Dooley.